What are unclaimed funds? Unclaimed funds are assets held by the Government that can be in the form of:
– Unpaid Wages
– Dormant Bank/Safe Deposit Accounts
– Uncashed Checks
– Mutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds, Dividends
– Life Insurance Death Benefits/Payouts
– Governmental Auction of Real/Personal Property
– Estate Proceeds from a Deceased Relative
Why does the Government hold on to these funds? Businesses send money to state-run unclaimed property offices when they can’t locate the owner.
Does My Fund Finder charge a fee for searching? No, My Find Finder does not charge for searches. We collect a 10% to 15% processing fee (depending on State), only if you get money back.
When can I expect to received my unclaimed funds? You can expect to receive your funds within 90 to 120 days after submitting your claim to My Fund Finder.